Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro Thon Bundle
459 EUR
Consulta laa scheda completa con dettagli approfonditi, confronta i prezzi e individua le caratteristiche di Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro Thon Bundle, disponibile al costo di 459 EUR; si classifica nella categoria Attrezzature DJ; il venditore è e il produttore è Blackmagic Design.
Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro Thon Bundle, Set composto da: , Thon Case Blackmagic ATEM Mini, Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro
EAN: 9338716006797
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Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Extreme ISO 10 bit
1590 EUR
Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Extreme ISO, Mixer video@+, Comprende tutte le funzioni dell'ATEM Mini Pro, Aggiunge 8 ingressi HDMI, 2 uscite HDMI separate, 2 porte USB e un jack per cuffie, Ha 4 chromakeys, 6 DVE per display picture-in-picture, 2 lettori multimediali e un multiviewer con un massimo di 16 visualizzazioni, Inoltre, l'ATEM Mini Extreme ISO può registrare nove flussi video H.264 separati in tempo reale, Oltre al video del programma, è possibile catturare otto feed puliti aggiuntivi, Viene salvato un file di progetto DaVinci Resolve, che può essere utilizzato per ripristinare e modificare successivamente un progetto, Alimentazione: 1 alimentatore esterno da 12 V, Consumo di energia: 36 W, Dimensioni: 370 x 136,6 x 39,6 mm, Peso: 1,235 kg, Include alimentatore esterno da 12 V DC con adattatori per tutti i paesi, Custodia compatibile: art. #518064# (non inclusa)@+*Collegamenti:*@+, Ingressi video totali: 8, Uscite video totali: 2, Uscite aux totali: 2, Ingressi audio totali: 2x mini jack stereo da 3,5 mm, Uscite audio totali: 1x mini jack stereo da 3,5 mm, Connessioni timecode: nessuna, Ingressi video HDMI: 8 HDMI tipo A, HD a 10 bit, commutabili, 2 canali audio integrati, Ingressi video con resync: su tutti gli 8 ingressi HDMI, Convertitore di frame rate e formato: su tutti gli 8 ingressi HDMI, Uscite programma HDMI: 2, Ethernet: Ethernet supporta 10/100/1000BaseT per lo streaming live, il controllo del software, gli aggiornamenti del software e per collegare un pannello di controllo direttamente o tramite una connessione di rete, Interfaccia computer: 2 porte USB tipo C 3.1 generazione 1 per la registrazione su dischi rigidi esterni, nonché per l'uscita webcam, il controllo del software, gli aggiornamenti del software e per il collegamento di un pannello di controllo@+*Standard:*@+, Standard di ingresso video HD: 720p/50 / 720p/59,94 / 720p/60 / 1080p/23,98 / 1080p/24 / 1080p/25 / 1080p/29,97 / 1080p/30 / 1080p/50 / 1080p/59,94 / 1080p/60 / 1080p/50 / 1080p/59,94 / 1080p/60, Standard di uscita video HD: 1080p/23,98 / 1080p/24 / 1080p/25 / 1080p/29,97 / 1080p/30 / 1080p/50 / 1080p/59,94 / 1080p/60, Standard video per lo streaming: 1080p/23.98 / 1080p/24 / 1080p/25 / 1080p/29.97 / 1080p/30 / 1080p/50 / 1080p/59.94 / 1080p/60, Frequenza di campionamento video: 4:2:2 YUV, Precisione del colore: 10 bit, Spazi colore: Rec.709, Risoluzione d'ingresso HDMI da computer: 1280 x 720p 50Hz, 59,94Hz e 60Hz / 1920 x 1080p 23,98, 24, 25, 29,97, 30, 50, 59,94 e 60Hz / 1920 x 1080i 50, 59,94Hz e 60Hz, Conversione dello spazio colore: basata su hardware in tempo reale@+*Caratteristiche:*@+, Tastierino upstream: 4, Downstream keyer: 2, Croma keyer avanzato: fino a 4, Tastierino lineare/Luma: fino a 4, Tastierini di transizione: solo DVE, Numero totale di layer: 9, Generatori di pattern: 5, Generatori di colore: 2, DVE con bordi e ombre: 2, Interfaccia: Risoluzione dello schermo di almeno 1366 x 768@+*Audio:*@+, Mixer audio: 11 ingressi x 2 canali,...
Blackmagic Design Atem Mini Extreme Rec
1199 EUR
Blackmagic Design Atem Mini Extreme, Mixer video, Dispone di tutte le caratteristiche dell'ATEM Mini Pro, con 8 ingressi HDMI in più, 2 uscite HDMI separate, 2 porte USB e una presa per le cuffie, Questo modello dispone anche di 4 Chroma Keyer, 6 DVE per visualizzazioni picture-in-picture, 2 lettori multimediali e un multiviewer con un massimo di 16 visualizzazioni, Funziona con 1 alimentatore esterno da 12 V, Assorbimento di energia: 36 W, Dimensioni: 370 x 136,6 x 39,6 mm, Peso: 1,235 kg, Include alimentatore esterno da 12 V DC con adattatori per tutti i paesi, Case consigliato: art. #518064# (non incluso, acquistabile separatamente)@+*Collegamenti:*, Ingressi video complessivi: 8, Uscite video complessive: 2, Uscite Aux complessive: 2, Ingressi audio complessivi: 2 mini jack stereo da 3,5 mm, Uscita audio: 1 mini jack stereo da 3,5 mm, Collegamenti timecode: nessuno, Ingressi video HDMI: 8 HDMI tipo A, HD a 10 bit, commutabili, 2 canali audio integrati, Ingressi video con resync: su tutti gli 8 ingressi HDMI, Convertitore di frame rate e formato: su tutti gli 8 ingressi HDMI, Uscite programma HDMI: 2, Ethernet: supporta 10/100/1000BaseT per lo streaming live, il controllo del software, gli aggiornamenti del software e per collegare un pannello di controllo diretto o tramite una connessione di rete, Interfaccia computer: 2 porte USB Tipo C 3.1 Gen. 1 per la registrazione su dischi rigidi esterni e per l'uscita della webcam, il controllo del software, gli aggiornamenti del software e il collegamento di un pannello di controllo@+*Standard:*, Standard di ingresso video HD: 720p/50 / 720p/59,94 / 720p/60 / 1080p/23,98 / 1080p/24 / 1080p/25 / 1080p/29,97 / 1080p/30 / 1080p/50 / 1080p/59,94 / 1080p/60 / 1080p/50 / 1080p/59,94 / 1080p/60, Standard di uscita video HD: 1080p/23.98 / 1080p/24 / 1080p/25 / 1080p/29.97 / 1080p/30 / 1080p/50 / 1080p/59.94 / 1080p/60, Standard video per lo streaming: 1080p/23.98 / 1080p/24 / 1080p/25 / 1080p/29.97 / 1080p/30 / 1080p/50 / 1080p/59.94 / 1080p/60, Frequenza di campionamento video: 4:2:2 YUV, Accuratezza dei colori: 10 bit, Spazi colore: Rec.709, Risoluzione ingresso HDMI da computer: 1280 x 720p 50Hz, 59.94Hz e 60Hz / 1920 x 1080p 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.94 e 60Hz / 1920 x 1080i 50, 59.94Hz e 60Hz, Conversione dello spazio colore: basata su hardware in tempo reale@+*Caratteristiche:*, Upstream-Keyer: 4, Downstream-Keyer: 2, Advanced Chroma Keyer: fino a 4, Linear/Luma-Keyer: fino a 4, Keyer di transizione: solo DVE, Numero totale di layer: 9, Generatori di pattern: 5, Generatori di colore: 2, DVE con bordi e ombre: 2, Interfaccia: risoluzione dello schermo di almeno 1366 x 768@+*Audio:*, Mixer audio: 11 ingressi x 2 canali di mixer, Preimpostazione di ciascun canale per attivare o disattivare l'audio-follow-video e controllo del gain separato per ogni canale, Misurazione del livello e del livello di picco, Nuove funzioni audio Fairlight: compressore, gate, limitatore, EQ parametrico a 6...
Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro
368 EUR
Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro, Mixer video, Capacità RTMP per lo streaming Live diretto via Ethernet, Multiview tramite uscita HDMI con visualizzazione di quattro telecamere, anteprima e programma, oltre a registrazione, streaming e stato dell'audio, Ideale per lo streaming, la registrazione e il mixaggio, Ideale per YouTube, Skype o presentazioni aziendali, Uscita USB per lo streaming web e uscita HDMI per le presentazioni in loco, L'uscita USB funziona come una Webcam, Quattro ingressi HDMI modulabili per sorgenti video come le videocamere, Frame rate e convertitore di formato sui quattro ingressi, Processore DVE per effetti Picture-in-picture e transizioni DVE in Full HD, Transizioni di qualità Broadcast che includono Mix, Dip e Wipe, Due ingressi audio stereo per il collegamento di microfoni da tavolo o a clip, Memorizzazione interna per 20 grafiche RGBA per titoli, pannelli di apertura e loghi, Comprende un ATEM Advanced Chroma Keyer per lavorare con schermi verdi o azzurri, Il mixer audio supporta Limiter, compressore, equalizzatore a 6 bande e altro ancora, Registrazione diretta su memoria flash USB in H.264 con audio AAC, Standard video HD per ingresso e uscita fino a 1080p/60, 4 porte HDMI (tipo A, HD a 10 bit, commutabili, 2 canali audio integrati), 1 uscita video HDMI (tipo A), 1 porta USB-C 3.1 per controllo Software, registrazione, aggiornamenti e streaming, Ethernet 10/100/1000 BaseT, 2 ingressi audio mini jack stereo da 3,5 mm, Alimentatore incluso con adattatori per vari Paesi, Custodia consigliata: art. #492751# (acquistabile separatamente), Inserto in schiuma: art. #515202# (acquistabile separatamente)
Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro Bundle
388 EUR
Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro Bundle@+*Set composto da*, Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro@+*Mixer video*, Capacità RTMP per lo streaming Live diretto via Ethernet, Multiview tramite uscita HDMI con visualizzazione di quattro telecamere, anteprima e programma, oltre a registrazione, streaming e stato dell'audio, Ideale per lo streaming, la registrazione e il mixaggio, Ideale per YouTube, Skype o presentazioni aziendali, Uscita USB per lo streaming web e uscita HDMI per le presentazioni in loco, L'uscita USB funziona come una Webcam, Quattro ingressi HDMI modulabili per sorgenti video come le videocamere, Frame rate e convertitore di formato sui quattro ingressi, Processore DVE per effetti Picture-in-picture e transizioni DVE in Full HD, Transizioni di qualità Broadcast che includono Mix, Dip e Wipe, Due ingressi audio stereo per il collegamento di microfoni da tavolo o a clip, Memorizzazione interna per 20 grafiche RGBA per titoli, pannelli di apertura e loghi, Comprende un ATEM Advanced Chroma Keyer per lavorare con schermi verdi o azzurri, Il mixer audio supporta Limiter, compressore, equalizzatore a 6 bande e altro ancora, Registrazione diretta su memoria flash USB in H.264 con audio AAC, Standard video HD per ingresso e uscita fino a 1080p/60, 4 porte HDMI (tipo A, HD a 10 bit, commutabili, 2 canali audio integrati), 1 uscita video HDMI (tipo A), 1 porta USB-C 3.1 per controllo Software, registrazione, aggiornamenti e streaming, Ethernet 10/100/1000 BaseT, 2 ingressi audio mini jack stereo da 3,5 mm, Alimentatore incluso con adattatori per vari Paesi, Custodia consigliata: art. #492751# (acquistabile separatamente), Inserto in schiuma: art. #515202# (acquistabile separatamente), Flyht Pro WP Safe Box 3 IP65@+*Valigetta Safe Box*, Custodia per il trasporto a tenuta d’acqua, polvere e aria, In plastica rigida resistente agli urti, Materiale: polipropilene (PP), Guarnizione in gomma, Valvola di bilanciamento della pressione nella parte frontale, Serratura a staffa fissa, Schiuma alveolata e cubetti di schiuma sul fondo, Utilizzabile a temperature da -25°C a +75°C, Indice di protezione: IP 65, Dimensioni esterne (L x P x A): 330 x 280 x 120 mm, Dimensioni interne (L x P x A): circa 298 x 218 x 95 mm, Peso: 1,7 kg, Inserti personalizzabili compatibili: art. #480977# e art. #515202# (non inclusi, acquistabili separatamente)
Thon L-Case Atem 1 M/E Advanced +7U Black
666 EUR
Thon L-Case Atem 1 M/E Advanced +7U, Angle L-Case, Suitable for Atem 1 M/E Advanced Panel and monitor, 7 U Behind the controller for a free disposal, Made of 6.8 mm Multiplex coated, Aluminium edge: 25 x 25 mm, 4 Medium-sized butterfly latches, 8 Medium ball corners, Hinges, 1 Mini butterfly, Lid with service door for wiring the monitor, Removable lid, Foam padding, External dimensions (W x D x H): 555 x 880 x 370 mm, Weight: approx. 17.6 kg, Colour: Black, Made in Germany
Thon Case ATEM Television Studio Pr Black Ral 9004
234 EUR
Thon Case ATEM Television Studio Pr, Flight Case, For a Blackmagic ATEM Television Studio Pro HD / 4K video mixer, Made of 6.5 mm plywood, 30 x 30 mm Aluminium edges, 2 x Butterfly latches, 1 x Leather handle made of imitation leather, 4 x Ball corner medium, 4 x Spherical corner with integrated L-corner medium, Foam padding, 4 Rubber feet 38x20 mm, 8 cm Cable duct behind the device, External dimensions (W x D x H): 500 x 455 x 204 mm, Weight: 6 kg, Colour: Black Ral 9004, Made in Germany
Blackmagic Design ATEM Talkback Converter 4K
3290 EUR
Blackmagic Design ATEM Talkback Converter 4K, 4K Signal Converter / Extender, Provides up to 8 cameras with SDI talkback using embedded audio channels 15 and 16 as found on Blackmagic Studio Cameras and ATEM Camera Converters, Supports 12G-SDI for all SD, HD and Ultra HD formats up to 2160p/60 and offers BNC connectors for each camera as well as an optional fibre jack, Allows the connection of an additional SFP module to extend camera transmission for longer distances, With push-to-talk talk buttons, Supports common aviation headsets with 6.35 mm TRS headphone jack and 5.23 mm TRS microphone jack, Balanced XLR microphone jack on front panel, Integrated speakers, Compatible operating systems: Mac 10.11 El Capitan, Mac 10.12 Sierra or higher / Windows 8.1 and 10, Power supply: 100- 240 V AC input with redundant 12 - 31 V DC input (IEC power cable not included), Power consumption: 60 W, Dimensions: 482 (19") x 44 (1U) x 160 mm, Weight: 2.3 kg@+*Note:* SFP fibre optic modules are not included in the scope of delivery@+@+*Inputs:*@+@+, Programme input: 1x 10-bit SD/HD/Ultra HD 4K auto-switching programme input from mixer, including tally data with audio embedded in 16 channels., Camera inputs: 8x 10-bit SD/HD/Ultra HD 4K auto-switching outputs with 16 channels of embedded audio, Fibre optic video input: 8 mono-mode SD/HD/Ultra HD 4K auto-switching inputs with LC socket, Fibre audio input: 8 mono-mode fibre camera audio inputs with LC jack (channels 1 and 2 are for camera sound, Channels 15 and 16 are for intercom sound).@+*Outputs:*@+@+, Programme output: 1x 10-bit SD/HD/Ultra HD 4K auto-switching programme output with loop-through for interfacing to another ATEM Talkback Converter 4K type converter., Camera output: 8x 10-bit SD/HD/Ultra HD 4K auto-switching outputs with 16 channels of embedded audio, Fibre optic video output: 8 mono-mode SD/HD/Ultra HD 4K outputs, auto-switching, with LC socket, Fibre-optic audio output: 8 mono-mode fibre outputs with LC socket (channels 1 and 2 are for camera sound, channels 15 and 16 are for intercom sound)
Thon Case Blackmagic ATEM Mini Phenol Brown
131 EUR
Thon Case for Blackmagic ATEM Mini, Flight Case, For a Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini, ATEM Mini Pro, ATEM SDI or ATEM SDI Pro ISO, Material: 6.5 mm Phenol plywood, 22 x 22 mm Aluminium edges, 2 Mini butterfly latches, 1 Suitcase handle, 8 Ball corners small, 4 Rubber feet 25 x 15 mm, With foam padding, Includes 90 mm clearance behind the unit, Connections are freely accessible, Exterior dimensions (W x D x H): 300 x 245 x 130 mm, Weight: 2.3 kg, Colour: Phenol Brown, Made in Germany
SKB iSeries Blackmagic ATEM Mini Black
108 EUR
SKB iSeries Blackmagic ATEM Mini, Case for video equipment, Suitable for Blackmagic ATEM Mini, ATEM Mini Pro and accessories, Waterproof polypropylene case, With foam padding, Resistant to UV rays, solvents, corrosion, fungus and impact damage (MIL-STD 810G), External dimensions (L x H x W): 298 x 98 x 203 mm, Weight: 0.9 kg, Colour: Black
Thon Case for 3U Lighting Desks fenolo marrone
119 EUR
Thon Case for 3U Lighting Desks, Case da 19", Pensato per modelli come Stairville DMX Master, GLP Scan Operator, ecc., Per l'installazione fissa dello Scan Operator da 19", Altezza utile: 3 U, Profondità di installazione: 8,5 cm, Materiale: multiplex da 7 mm, Profili in alluminio da 22 x 22 mm, Guida su binario regolabile senza soluzione di continuità , Piccoli angoli protettivi a sfera, 2 chiusure a scatto, 1 manico, Piedini in gomma, Dimensioni esterne (L x P x A): 56,3 x 23,8 x 16,4 cm, Peso: 3,8 kg, Colore: fenolo marrone, Prodotto in Germania
Thon Case BM Atem Mini Extreme/-ISO Black
189 EUR
Thon Case BM Atem Mini Extreme/ISO, Case for Video Mixer, Suitable for Blackmagic Atem Mini Extreme, Extreme ISO, and Atem SDI, Made of 6.8 mm multiplex, 22 x 22 mm Aluminium edges, 2 Small butterfly latches, 1 Suitcase handle, 8 Small ball corners, 4 Rubber feet 25 x 15 mm, Foam padding, 90 mm clearance at the back of the unit, All connections freely accessible, Unit can be operated in the lower part, External dimensions (W x D x H): Approximately 435 x 302 x 135 mm, Weight: Approximately 3.5 kg, Colour: Black, Made in Germany
Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Mini Panel
2499 EUR
Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Mini Panel, Colour Grading Control Panel for DaVinci Resolve Software, 12 Precision-machined sliders that access all relevant primary colour grading tools, 3 Optical, high-resolution trackballs, Two 5" colour displays for viewing settings and all menus, DaVinci Resolve can be operated entirely from the panel without the need for a notebook or PC., Two buttons for switching between the colour correction modes "Log" and "Offset, "Viewer" button for accessing the full screen view, 18 Keys for access to the most used grading functions and transport keys, 8 Programmable keys and 8 programmable knobs plus additional function keys, Backlit keys@+*Connections:*@+@+, 1x USB C, 1x RJ-45 (Ethernet), 1x RJ-45 (PoE), 1x AC, 1x DC XLR 4-pin, Included DaVinci Resolve Studio Software (Activation Code)@+*Note:* DaVinci Resolve software version 12.5.5 or higher required
Thon Mixer Case Pioneer DJM 900 Phenol brown
161 EUR
Thon Mixer Case Pioneer DJM 900, Mixer Case for Pioneer DJM 900, Made of 7 mm multiplex plywood, 25 x 25 mm aluminium edges, Foam padding, 2 Medium sprung butterfly latches, 1 Suitcase handle, Rubber feet, Steel ball corners, Mixer can be use inside the case, External dimensions (W x H x D): approx. 39.7 x 51 x 19.4 cm, Weight: approx. 5.5 kg, Weight with DJM: 12.7 kg, Colour: Phenol brown
Thon Inlay Blackmagic Design Atem Black
79 EUR
Thon Inlay Blackmagic Design Atem, Foam insert for case, Insert for Flyht Pro WP Safe Box 3 IP65 (Art. 330504), Suitable for Blackmagic Design Atem Mini / Pro / Pro ISO, Accessory compartment for cables under the desk, Dimensions: 295 x 215 x 60 mm, Weight: 0.2 kg, Colour: Black
Thon Mixer Case Pioneer DJM 900NXS2 Phenolic brown
164 EUR
Thon Case Pioneer DJM 900 NXS2, Case for a mixer, For the Pioneer DJM 900 NXS2, Material: 7 mm multiplex, 25 x 25 mm aluminium edges, With foam padding, 2 Spring-loaded medium butterfly latches, 1 Suitcase handle, Rubber feet, Steel ball corners, 9 cm Cable duct, Device can be operated from within the case, Outer dimensions (W x D x H): approx. 40.5 x 55 x 18.5 cm, Weight: approx. 5.5 kg, Weight with DJM: approx. 12.7 kg, Colour: Phenolic brown, Made in Germany
Thon Controller Case Pioneer XDJ-XZ Black RAL 9004
315 EUR
Thon Controller Case Pioneer XDJ-XZ, Controller Case, Suitable for the Pioneer XDJ-XZ, Made from 7 mm multiplex wood, 22 x 22 mm aluminium edges, 4 Butterfly latches, 3 Folding handles, 8 Rounded ball edges, 4 Rubber feet, With cable duct, Connections are freely accessible, Controller can be played directly in the case, Foam padding made to measure, Dimensions (W x D x H): 950 x 595 x 210 mm, Weight: 12.9 kg, Colour: Black RAL 9004, Made in Germany
Thon Case Pioneer DJM 900NXS2 PB Black
172 EUR
Thon Case Pioneer DJM 900NXS2 PB, Mixercase, Suitable for Pioneer DJM 900 NXS2 PB, Made of 7 mm polyboard, 25 x 25 mm Aluminium edge, 2 Medium-sized spring-loaded butterfly latches, 9 cm Cable duct, 1 Suitcase handle, Rubber feet, Steel ball corners, Foam padding, Unit can be operated in the case, Exterior dimensions (W x D x H): approx. 555 x 405 x 203 mm, Weight: approx. 6 kg, Colour: Black, Made in Germany
Thon Case WLS-DMX Pro G5 4in1 Black
234 EUR
Thon Case WLS-DMX Pro G5 4in1, Case, Suitable for 4x Stairville WLS-DMX Pro G5, Coated with 6.8 mm plywood, 22 x 22 mm Aluminium edges, 2 x Small butterfly latches, 1 x Leather handle, 2 x Locking hinges, 8 x Small ball corners, Foam inlay, With accessory compartment, Made in Germany, External dimensions (W x D x H): approx. 512 x 485 x 174 mm, Weight: approx. 6.1 kg, Colour: Black
Thon Case Rane Seventy-Two black Black
183 EUR
Thon Case Rane Seventy-Two black, Case, Suitable for Rane Seventy-Two and Seventy-Two MK II, Made of 6.8 mm multiplex coated, 25 x 25 mm Aluminium edge, 2 Butterfly latches medium, 1 Leather handle, 8 Ball corners medium, 4 Rubber feet 38 x 20 mm, Unit can be operated in the lower compartment, Space for cable, Outer dimensions (W x D x H): 630 x 362 x 230 mm, Weight: 6.5 kg, Colour: Black, Made in Germany
Thon Case grandMA3 compact XT
1333 EUR
Thon Case grandMA3 compact XT, Workstation Tour Case, Suitable for a MA Lighting grandMA3 compact XT lighting control desk, Made of 9 mm Multiplex with PVC coating, With 2U rack space under the desk, Separate pull out keyboard shelf, Covered cable duct behind the desk (Dockhouse), Eight medium-sized butterfly latches, Eight medium-sized folding handles, Eight large rounded ball corners, Four swivel castors, two with brakes, Two skid strips, Foam padding, Exterior dimensions: 925 x 810 x 355 mm, Weight: Approx. 41.8 kg, Made in Germany
Thon Case Zero 88 FLX
255 EUR
Thon Case Zero 88 FLX, Custom-Made Flight Case, For Zero 88 FLX 2048 lighting console, Material: 7 mm Multiplex, 30 x 30 mm Aluminium edge, Aluminium closing edge, 4 Butterfly latches, 1 Leather handle, 8 Rounded steel ball corners, Foam padding in the lower and upper part, Two stop angles are padded with rubber, Lid completely removable, 10 cm wide cable duct behind the unit, Exterior dimensions (W x D x H): approx. 72.5 x 50.5 x 18.4 cm, Weight: approx. 8 kg, Made in Germany
Thon Mixer Case Pioneer DJM 250 Phenol Brown
152 EUR
Thon Mixer Case Pioneer DJM 250, Custom-made Mixer Case, For Pioneer DJM-250, Material: 7 mm Multiplex, 22 x 22 mm Aluminium edges, Min. 10 mm foam padding, 2 Mini butterfly latches, 1 Suitcase handle, Device can be operated in the case, 4 Rubber feet, Steel ball corners, Exterior dimensions (W x D x H): approx. 30.4 x 44.3 x 17.5 cm, Weight: 3.7 kg, Weight with DJM-250: approx. 6.85 kg, Colour: Phenol Brown, Made in Germany
Thon Case 2bright Par 18 IP 6in1 Black
798 EUR
Thon Case 2bright Par 18 IP 6-in-1, Transport Case with Castors, Suitable for 6 Ignition 2bright PAR 18 IP including accessories, Made of 6.8 mm coated plywood, 30 x 30 mm Aluminium edges, 2 Medium V4 butterfly latches, 8 Medium folding handles, 8 Medium ball corners, 3 Locking hinges, 4 Wheel recesses, 1 Tour label dish, 4 Swivel castors - 2 of which have brakes, Foam padding suitable for Ignition 2bright PAR 18 IP, Compartment for accessories, External dimensions (W x D x H): Approximately 970 x 595 x 565 mm, Weight: Approximately 35.1 kg, Colour: Black, Made in Germany
Thon Mixer Case Pioneer DJM 800/850 Phenol brown
152 EUR
Thon Mixer Case Pioneer DJM 800/850, Mixer Case, Customised for Pioneer DJM 800, Material: 7 mm Multiplex, 25 x 25 mm aluminium edges, Medium ball corners, 2 Spring-loaded butterfly latches, 1 Suitcase handle, 4 Rubber feet, Foam padding, External dimensions (W x H x D): 40 x 18 x 49 cm, Weight: 3.36 kg, Weight with mixer: 12.8 kg, Colour: Phenol brown, Made in Germany
Thon Case 2x Showtec Phantom 50 LED Phenol Brown
255 EUR
Thon Case 2x Showtec Phantom 50 LED, Custom-made Flight Case, For 2 Showtec Phantom 50 LED Spot/Wash, Material: 7 mm Plywood, 30 x 30 mm Aluminium edges, Milled foam inlay, 2 Folding handles, 2 Spring-loaded butterfly latches, medium, 2 Lid hinges, Steel ball corners, medium, Exterior dimensions (WxDxH): approx. 54.5 x 28.5 x 46.5 cm, Weight: approx. 8.5 kg, Weight with Phantom: approx. 20.4 kg, Colour: Phenol Brown, Made in Germany
Thon Case 8x LED PAR 36 8in1 Phenol Brown
319 EUR
Thon Case 8x LED PAR 36 8in1, Transport Case, Suitable for 8 Stairville PAR 36s, Material: 7 mm Phenol-coated plywood, 25 x 25 mm Aluminium edge, with compartment partitions with cross profile, 8 Chambers for Stairville Par 36s, 2 Butterfly latches, 2 Lid stays, 2 Folding handles, 1 cm Foam padding in the bottom, Convoluted foam in the lid, 8 Steel ball corners, 8 L-corners, Exterior dimensions (W x D x H): 72.5 x 37.5 x 39.5 cm, Weight: 11.4 kg, Colour: Phenol Brown, Made in Germany
Thon Case Stairville Wild Wash 132 Black
289 EUR
Thon Case Stairville Wild Wash 132, Case, Suitable for 4 Stairville Wild Wash 132 LED RGB DMX and Cameo Thunder Wash 100 RGB, Made of 6.5 mm polyboard plastic, 25 x 25 mm aluminium edge, 2 Medium butterfly latches, 2 Medium folding handles, 8 Medium ball corners, 2 Locking hinges, 15 cm wide accessory compartment on the right side, Foam padding, External dimensions (W x D x H): approx. 662 x 430 x 220 mm, Weight: approx. 8.5 kg, Colour: Black, Made in Germany
Thon Case ChamSys QuickQ 10 Black
218 EUR
Thon Case ChamSys QuickQ 10, Flight Case, Custom-made for ChamSys QuickQ 10, Made of 6.5 mm coated plywood, 25 x 25 mm Aluminium edge, 2 Medium butterfly latches, 1 Leather handle, 4 Rubber feet: 38 x 20 mm, 70 mm Space behind the desk for connection cables, Exterior dimensions (W x D x H): Approx. 600 x 495 x 205 mm, Weight: Approx. 6.7 kg, Colour: Black, Made in Germany
Thon Mixer Case Pioneer DJM 750 MK2 Phenol brown
152 EUR
Thon Mixer Case Pioneer DJM 750 MK2, DJ Mixer Case, Suitable for Pioneer DJM 750 MK2, Material: 7 mm plywood, 25 x 25 mm Aluminium edges, 2 Butterfly latches, Suitcase handle, 8 Ball corners, 4 Rubber feet 25 x 15 mm, Cabel canal, Connections directly accessible, Mixer can be played in the case, Foam padding, External dimensions (W x D x H): 400 x 528 x 195 mm, Weight: 5.6 kg, Colour: Phenol brown, Made in Germany
Thon Mixer Case Pioneer DJM 450 Phenolic brown
152 EUR
Thon Mixer Case Pioneer DJM 450, Dj Mixer Case, For Pioneer DJM-450, Material: 7 mm plywood, 25 x 25 mm aluminium edges, 2 Butterfly locks, 1 Suitcase handle, Steel ball corners, Foam padding made to measure, Cable channel, The device can be operated in the case, 4 Rubber feet 25 x 15 mm, Outer dimensions (W x D x H): 31 x 46 x 18.2 cm, Weight: 4.4 kg, Weight with device: 7.8 kg, Colour: Phenolic brown, Made in Germany
Thon Mixer Case Numark M 6USB Phenolic brown
161 EUR
Thon Mixer Case Numark M 6USB, Custom-made Mixer Flight Case, For Numark M6 USB, Material: 9 mm coated multiplex plywood, 25 x 25 mm aluminium edges, At least 10 mm foam padding, At least 10 mm foam padding, 1 Suitcase handle, 2 Sprung medium butterfly latches, Rubber feet, Device can be operated in the base part, Place for power cord, Exterior dimensions (W x D x H): approx. 38.6 x 50.4 x 19 cm, Weight: 5.2 kg, Weight with Numark M-6 (not included): approx. 9.7 kg, Colour: Phenolic brown, Made in Germany
Thon Case 4x LED Theater Spot 100 Phenol Brown
479 EUR
Thon Case 4x LED Theater Spot 100, Case, For 2 Varytec LED Theater Spot 100 3000K and Varytec LED Theater Spot 120 FC, Material: 7 mm Multiplex, 30 x 30 Aluminium edges, 2 Medium butterfly latches, 2 Large locking hinges, 4 Folding handles, 4 Medium sized rounded steel corners, 4 Medium ball corners with integrated L corner, Interior: Foam padding, 4 Castors, 2 of them with brakes, 15 cm Accessory compartment in the middle, Dimensions of central inner compartment (W x H x D): 15.1 x 39.1 x 41.9 mm, Dimensions of outer compartment (W x H x D): 28.2 x 39.1 x 20.2 mm, Outer dimensions (W x H x D): 78 x 61 x 46 cm, Weight: 25.2 kg, Colour: Phenol Brown, Made in Germany
Thon Truss Connector Case 24/160 Phenol Brown
192 EUR
Thon Truss Connector Case 24/160, Transport Case, For 24 conical crossbar connectors and 160 steel bolts, Material: 7 mm Multiplex, 25 x 25 mm Aluminium profile, Additional compartment for R-clips, Compartment for hammer, 4 Medium-sized ball corners on top, 4 Stackable ball corners at the bottom, 2 Spring-loaded butterfly latches, 2 Large locking hinges, 1 Artificial leather handle, External dimensions (W x D x H): approx. 54 x 52 x 16 mm, Weight: 9.5 kg, Colour: Phenol Brown, Made in Germany
Thon Mixer Case Rane MP2014 Phenol brown
158 EUR
Thon Mixer Case Rane MP2014, Mixer Case, For Rane MP2014, Material: 7 mm plywood, 25 x 25 mm Aluminium edges, 2 Butterfly latches, 1 Suitcase handle, Steel ball corners, Foam padding to measure, Approx. 9 cm wide cable duct, Device can be operated in the case, Rubber feet, External dimensions (W x D x H): 51 x 36 x 19.5 cm, Weight: 5.1 kg, Colour: Phenol brown, Made in Germany
Thon Case Ignition WAL-L710 6in1 Black
899 EUR
Thon Case Ignition WAL-L710 6-in-1, Transport Case with Castors, Suitable for 6 Ignition WAL-L710 including accessories, Made of 6.8 mm coated plywood, 30 x 30 mm Aluminium edges, 2 Medium V4 butterfly latches, 8 Medium folding handles, 8 Medium ball corners, 3 Locking hinges, 4 Wheel recesses, 1 Tour label dish, 4 Swivel castors - 2 of which have brakes, Foam padding suitable for Ignition WAL-L710, Individual compartments for barn doors and diffuser panels, Compartment for hooks, External dimensions (W x D x H): Approximately 1093 x 593 x 545 mm, Weight: Approximately 37 kg, Colour: Black, Made in Germany
Thon Case 2bright Profile 3K 2in1 Black
573 EUR
Thon Case 2bright Profile 3K 2in1, Transport Case With Casters, Suitable for 2 Ignition 2bright Profiles 3K 26° including accessories, Coated with 6.8 mm plywood, 30 x 30 mm Aluminium edge, 2 Medium-sized V4 butterfly latches, 8 Medium-sized folding handles, 8 Medium-sized ball corners, 3 Locking hinges, 4 Wheel recesses, 1 Tour label tray, 4 Swivel casters - 2 of them with brakes, Foam padding suitable for Ignition 2bright Profile 3K 26°, Compartment for accessories, Exterior dimensions (W x D x H): approx. 785 x 595 x 490 mm, Weight: approx. 26.2 kg, Colour: Black, Made in Germany
Thon Case Co9 LED Flood RGBW 2in1
584 EUR
Thon Case Co9 LED Flood RGBW 2in1, Flight Case On Wheels, Suitable for 2x Ignition Co9 LED Flood IP65 540W RGBW, Material: 6.5 mm Plywood, 30/30 Aluminium edge, 2 Medium butterfly latches, 2 Large locking hinges, 4 Medium folding handles, 4 Medium ball corners, 4 Medium ball corners with L-corner, 4 Built-in wheel recesses, 4 Swivel casters (2 with brakes), Interior fittings, Foam padding, 15 cm Accessory compartment, Dimensions (W x D x H): 805 x 592 x 548 mm, Weight: 24.2 kg, Made in Germany
Thon Mixer Case Behringer DX2000 Phenol brown
222 EUR
Thon Mixer Case Behringer DX2000, Mixer Case, Specially designed for Behringer DX-2000, Material: 7 mm multiplex plywood, 25 x 25 mm aluminium edges, Medium ball corners, 4 Rubber feet, 2 Spring-loaded butterfly latches, 1 Folding handle, External dimensions (W x H x D): 57.5 x 29 x 48.5 cm, Weight 9.7 kg, Colour: Phenol brown, Incl. fixing material, Made in Germany